The Namibian
Lion Trust

About AfriCat UK
AfriCat UK is a registered UK charity (Number 1120026). We predominantly support and raise awareness of the work of the AfriCat Foundation and The Namibian Lion Trust.
Our Goal:
For the benefit of a global society, to promote and support environmental conservation in Africa, in particular by funding and supporting the development of programmes to protect carnivores and threatened species of Namibia and their habitats.
For many years AfriCat UK has supported the work of The AfriCat Foundation and what is now The Namibian Lion Trust (run by Tammy Hoth Hanssen). Prior to 2020 it was known as AfriCat North. AfriCat UK raises funds for the various programs that have been developed by these Namibian charities. It will support education and research initiatives as well as raising awareness of the conservation needs of the carnivores and other threatened species of Namibia. Working with local communities is central to the long term goals.
We have successfully supported a range of research programmes that has assisted in the better understanding of the leopard, cheetah, pangolin, lion, and brown hyena. AfriCat UK have funded the building of a primary school for a rural local community that agreed to stop killing lions in retaliation for livestock losses. It has helped fund locally employed lion guards to work with local farmers employing a range of tried and tested methods of reducing livestock losses. Supporting a range of education initiatives that promote understanding of the need to protect the natural environment for future generations has been another thread of AfriCat’s support. Many world-renowned veterinary clinicians have based their research and resultant doctorates on the animals and facilities that can be found at the two charities in Namibia that we continue to support. This research has helped wide-spread conservation initiatives that impact species globally.
We are incredibly proud of what we do, our supporters, and those who fund the programmes.